Sunday, August 26, 2007

Quiet Sunday

Quiet day today. Not much to say. We woke up late and watched some shows on Food Network. I love Nigella Lawson, but the episode they showed this morning I have already seen five or six times. Giada's menu was too frou-frou for me so I didn't watch that one either.

I did see something I wanted to make on FN this morning. That new show, Simply Delicioso, which I don't like at all so far, the host made arroz con pollo this morning that looked SO GOOD. I need to go to and dig up that recipe. And churros! She made churros using puff pastry, which I fully intend to replicate at some point this week.

We went to the health food store this afternoon. I bought some organic avocados, some organic almond butter, and some other stuff I can't remember right now. In the bakery they had these things called Superbars and they looked like a no-bake cookie in brownie form. We bought two of those and some free-trade coffee to go. You know how you're expecting something to taste a certain way and then when you eat it, it doesn't taste at all like you expected? That's how those bar/brownie things were. They looked really chocolaty and they have oats in them...hence the no-bake reference. They don't taste like those cookies at all, but they're still really good. They taste raisin-like, and...healthy I guess, not at all chocolaty. It's like they're sweetened with fruit juice or something (which they probably are). They're also full of sesame seeds and (surprise) raisins. I'm glad we only bought two because I'm pretty sure I could eat an entire batch by myself. I must never ask for the recipe.

After that we went to the Italian market. We bought an Asiago ciabatta and some deli stuff. I bought a bag of Baci and a Perugina chocolate bar with almonds. The Baci are my favorite.

So I just finished up some work that was left from Friday, Brent cut our grass, and now he's over cutting my dad's grass. Caleb is watching a movie, Emma is outside reading, Sarah is watching TV in her room, and I'm about to go get things organized for the start of our new school year tomorrow. Wow, summer sure went by fast.

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